Hinkley High School

"INSPiRE helped me understand my dreams and goals are possible no matter my life tribulations." 

Nyece Smith, Change Agent Activist 

The Change Agent Training Series is a four part training series where INSPiRE brings together our Change Agent Activists from our network schools. Each of the training days has its own focus and learning objectives.

Change Agent Institute:  

  • A three day training institute where students are empowered to explore college and career options.
  • Change Agents have the opportunity to meet both their college and professional mentors. 
  • Change Agents learn about the college process. 

Lighting Hearts on Fire: 

  • Change Agents explore their college lists.
  • Change Agents are empowered to break cycles faced by 1st Generation College goers.
  • Change Agents explore their leaderships styles. 

Empowering 7 Generations of Activists: 

  • Change Agents have the opportunity to explore their family histories.
  • Change Agents identify career pathways based on educational levels.
  • Change Agents explore ways to help fund their college aspirations.